Dr. Arvind Kumar Verma
Name: Arvind Kumar Verma
Designation: Professor
DOB: 01/09/1970
E-mail: arvindrachna@yahoo.com
Mobile No.: +91 - 9414918856
Address: 3-X-4,Kudi Bhagtasni H.B.,Jodhpur

Academic Qualification:

S.No. Name of Examination Year Name of University Subjects offered Division
1 High School 1985 UP Board Science Group First
2 Intermediate 1987 UP Board Maths Group First
3 BE 1992 University of Roorkee, Roorkee Industrial Engineering First
4 ME 1994 University of Roorkee, Roorkee Production and Industrial Systems Engineering First(Hons)
5 PhD 2005 JNV University, Jodhpur CAM Awarded

Teaching & Research Experience Details:

S.No. Name of Institute Designation From To
1 JNV University, Jodhpur Assistant Professor 19/10/1994 26/10/1999
2 JNV University, Jodhpur Assistant Professor(Senior scale) 27/10/1999 26/10/2004
3 JNV University, Jodhpur Associate Professor 27/10/2004 26/10/2012
4 JNV University, Jodhpur Professor 27/10/2012 10/04/2020

Details of Consultancy Project/s grid :

S.No. Name of project funding Agency Duration status

Membership of Academic Societies:

S.No. Name Of Society Remark

Academic Post:

S.No. Name Of Society Remark

Scopus/WOS Indexed Publication/s:

S.No. Title of paper Name of journal Year Vol Page.no Impact

Other Publication/s:

S.No. Title of paper Name of journal Year Vol Page.no

Published Book/s :

S.No. Name of author Title of book Publisher Year authored

Published Book Chapter/s :

S.No. Name of author Title of book Publisher Year volpageno

Editor/s in Journals :

S.No. nameofjournal associateeditor publishinghouse impactfactor

Invited Speaker/ Resource Person in Conferences/Workshop/ Seminar:

S.No. Title of paper Details of conference hostinstitute Vol Page.no

Paper Presented in International Conferences/ workshop/ Seminar:

S.No. Title of paper Details of conference Hostinstitute year

Paper Presented in National Conferences/ Workshop/ Seminar:

S.No. Title of paper Details of conference Hostinstitute year

National Workshop/ Conferences/ Seminar Attended:

S.No. Title of paper Details of conference Hostinstitute year

Any other relevant information:

S.No. Remark Year

Participated in Co-Curricular Activities:

S.No. Activity Year

Publication/s In CARE listed Journals:

S.No. nameofauthor titleofpaper nameofjournal vol pageno

Administrative Experience:

S.No. Name of Institute Designation From To
1 JNV University, Jodhpur Head, Production and Industrial Engineering 11/11/1999 10/11/2002
2 JNV University, Jodhpur Head, Production and Industrial Engineering 10/07/2010 09/07/2013
3 JNV University, Jodhpur Proctor, Faculty of Engineering 01/07/2003 01/07/2006
4 JNV University, Jodhpur Member, University Examination Committee 01/07/2003 01/07/2004

Academic Award/Honor / Fellowships::

S.No. Name of Award/Honor / Fellowships Year

Research Projects:

Major Research Project: 3

Minor Research Projects: 1
Mentor in student projec: N/A

Consultancy projects:N/A

S.No. Title of the Project Funding Agency Duration Status

Overseas PDF Supervised :N/A

Ph. D Awarded : N/A

PhD Pursuing : 4

Post Graduate Dissertations Supervised : 3

Research Guidance:

S.No. Name of Student Title of Thesis/PDF Submitted Awarded

Membership of Academic Societies:

ISTE, Institution of Engineers

Academic Post: Member

Detail of Publications

Full Research paper published in (UGC-CARE List/Scopus/ Thomson Reuter/web of science listed journals)

International Journal: 16

National Journal: N/A

Review Article: N/A

Popular article: N/A

Other Research Publications: N/A

S.No. Title of the paper/ review Name of Journal Vol. Page no. Impact Factor
1 Feature vector: a graph based feature recognition methodology International Journal of Production Research 42 3219 N/A
2 Automatic identification of aspect vectors and geometrical validation of 2.5d parts International Journal of Production Research 44 999 N/A
3 A hint-based machining feature recognition system for 2.5D parts International Journal of Production Research 46 1111 N/A
4 A hybrid machining feature recognition system International Journal of Manufacturing Research 4 343 N/A
5 Review of Machining Feature Recognition Methodologies International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing 23 353 N/A
6 Efficient Window Based Disparity-Map Calculation for Stereo Matching International Journal of Computer and Mathematical Sciences 2 182 N/A
7 Segment Controlled Window Shape to Compute Disparity Map from Stereo Images International Journal of Computer Application, Special Issue on Electronics, Information and Communication EngineeringICEICE 4 38 N/A
8 A Stereo Matching Using Dynamic Programming with Segment-Support ISST Journal of Mathematics & Computing System 2 37 N/A
9 Depth estimation from stereo images based on Adaptive weight and Segmentation Journal of Institution of Engineers:Electrical, Electronics & Telecommunications and Computer Engineering(Series B)- 93 223 N/A
10 A Comparative Evaluation of Leading Dense Stereo Vision Algorithms using OpenCV International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology 3 196 N/A
11 A Clustering and Outlier Detection Scheme for Robust Parametric Model Estimation for Plane Fitting Applied Mechanics and Materials 789 768 N/A
12 Predicting Consumer Behaviour Using Artificial Neural Network International Journal of Advance Engineering and Research Development 3 468 N/A
13 Research Issues in Object Distance Estimation Using a Laser Pointer and a Webcam International Journal of Advance Engineering and Research Development 3 458 N/A
14 Development of an Intelligent Database System to Automate the Recognition of Machining Features from a Solid Model using Graph Theory International Journal of Computer Theory and Engineering 9 58 N/A
15 Design and Calibration of an Experimental Setup for 3-D Reconstruction of a Scene from Stereo Images International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology 5 64 N/A
16 3D Trajectory Reconstruction Using Color-Based Optical Flow and Stereo Vision Communications in Computer and Information Science 958 70 N/A

Published Book/ Book Chapters:

S.No. Title of the Book/ chapter Publisher Vol. Page no.
1 Introduction to Scilab KDP Amazon 1 282

Details Fellowships: National/International/Awards:

S.No. Name of Fellowship Funding Agency Host Institute / country

Other Research Pertaining Activities:

Paper presented in Seminars/Conferences: 45

Seminars/Symposium/ Conferences attended: 29

Overseas international conferences: 1

Member of Advisory Board / Editorial Board of Journals : N/A

Organized Conference/Symposium: N/A

Any other relevant information : N/A

Citation indices:

Total Citations: 120

h-index : (Scopus): N/A

h-index : (Google Scholar): 5

i10 index: 3

Orcid ID :N/A

Scopus ID: N/A

Any other relevant information N/A

Note: This is to certify that aforesaid information given by is correct
