Dr. Pooran Koli
Name: Pooran Koli
Designation: Professor
DOB: 20/07/1973
E-mail: poorankoli@yahoo.com
Mobile No.: +91 - 9351554271
Address: (Office):Department of Chemistry, New Campus, Jai Narain Vyas University, Jodhpur-342033,Rajasthan (India); Residence:C-503, 5th Floor, Marwar Apartment, Sector-14E, Chaupasani Housing Board, Jodhpur-342008, Rajasthan, INDIA

Academic Qualification:

S.No. Name of Examination Year Name of University Subjects offered Division
1 Sr. Hr. Sec. Exam 1989 Rajasthan Board, Ajmer Chemistry, Physics, Biology, All Compulsory subjects First
2 B.Sc 1991 University of Rajasthan, Jaipur Chemistry, Zoology, Botany First
3 M.Sc 1993 University of Rajasthan, Jaipur Chemistry First
4 Joint UGC-CSIR NET Exam 1993 UGC-CSIR Chemical Science JRF Qualified
5 Ph.D 2011 Jai Narain Vyas University, Jodhpur Chemistry Awarded
6 Sec. Exam 1987 Rajasthan Board, Ajmer Chemistry, Physics, Biology, All Compulsory subjects First
7 Hr. Sec. Exam 1988 Rajasthan Board, Ajmer Chemistry, Physics, Biology, All Compulsory subjects First

Teaching & Research Experience Details:

S.No. Name of Institute Designation From To
1 Govt. PG College, Karauli, Rajasthan (India) Lecturer in Chemistry 13/01/1996 05/08/1996
2 Jai Narain Vyas University, Jodhpur Assistant Professor 06/08/1996 12/01/2010
3 Jai Narain Vyas University, Jodhpur Associate Professor (CAS) 13/01/2010 12/01/2013
4 Jai Narain Vyas University, Jodhpur Professor (CAS) 13/01/2013 31/07/2033

Details of Consultancy Project/s grid :

S.No. Name of project funding Agency Duration status

Membership of Academic Societies:

S.No. Name Of Society Remark

Academic Post:

S.No. Name Of Society Remark

Scopus/WOS Indexed Publication/s:

S.No. Title of paper Name of journal Year Vol Page.no Impact

Other Publication/s:

S.No. Title of paper Name of journal Year Vol Page.no

Published Book/s :

S.No. Name of author Title of book Publisher Year authored

Published Book Chapter/s :

S.No. Name of author Title of book Publisher Year volpageno

Editor/s in Journals :

S.No. nameofjournal associateeditor publishinghouse impactfactor
1 Applied Solar Energy, IF 1.2, h-index 15, Scopus Editor, Editorial Board Member Springer Nature publications IF 1.2

Invited Speaker/ Resource Person in Conferences/Workshop/ Seminar:

S.No. Title of paper Details of conference hostinstitute Vol Page.no

Paper Presented in International Conferences/ workshop/ Seminar:

S.No. Title of paper Details of conference Hostinstitute year

Paper Presented in National Conferences/ Workshop/ Seminar:

S.No. Title of paper Details of conference Hostinstitute year

National Workshop/ Conferences/ Seminar Attended:

S.No. Title of paper Details of conference Hostinstitute year

Any other relevant information:

S.No. Remark Year

Participated in Co-Curricular Activities:

S.No. Activity Year

Publication/s In CARE listed Journals:

S.No. nameofauthor titleofpaper nameofjournal vol pageno

Administrative Experience:

S.No. Name of Institute Designation From To
1 Jai Narain Vyas University, Jodhpur Proctor, Science Faculty, New Campus 01/07/2009 30/06/2010
2 Jai Narain Vyas University, Jodhpur Incharge, B.Sc. 1st Year Lab 01/07/2015 30/06/2020
3 Jai Narain Vyas University, Jodhpur Member,Non-Teaching Committee, Dept. of Chemistry 01/07/2015 30/06/2017

Academic Award/Honor / Fellowships::

S.No. Name of Award/Honor / Fellowships Year

Research Projects:

Major Research Project: N/A

Minor Research Projects: N/A
Mentor in student projec: 7

Consultancy projects:N/A

S.No. Title of the Project Funding Agency Duration Status
1 Extensive study of the solar energy conversion devices photogalvanic cells with special reference to their power storage capacity and photo-stability UGC-CSIR (JRF fellowship) 04 years 04 months completed
2 Study of the effect of chemically different working electrodes on the solar energy conversion and storage through the photogalvanic cells UGC-CSIR (JRF fellowship) 03 years 11 months completed
3 Small project in Energy research thrust area DRS-II (SAP-I), UGC short duration as part of 05 year tenure of DRS completed short duration
4 Studies of the micellar effect on photogalvanics: Solar energy conversion and storage UGC (PDF Fellowship) 01 of 05 Years completed
5 Spectroscopic study of photogalvanic cells for solar energy conversion and storage UGC (PDF Fellowship) 05 Years completed
6 Study of modified photogalvanic cells for enhancing efficiency of solar energy conversion and storage UGC (RGNF Fellowship) 02 years completed
7 Extensive study of the effect of photosensitive materials on solar power and storage capacity of the photogalvanic cells UGC (RGNF Fellowship) 02 years completed
8 UV-Visible spectroscopic study of the photogalvanic cells with special reference to the electrolyte illuminated through various sized illuminating windows at different illuminating source intensity UGC (Savitribai Jyotirao Phule Fellowship) ) 02 years 02 months completed

Overseas PDF Supervised :N/A

Ph. D Awarded : N/A

PhD Pursuing : N/A

Post Graduate Dissertations Supervised : N/A

Research Guidance:

S.No. Name of Student Title of Thesis/PDF Submitted Awarded
1 Dheerata Comparative study of the effect of various alkaline materials on the solar energy conversion and storage through photogalvanic cell submitted on 27.3.2023 Awarded 27.3.2023
2 Jyoti Saren Study of the effect of chemically different working electrodes on the solar energy conversion and storage through the photogalvanic cells submitted on 21.9.2023 Awarded, 21.9.23
3 Ramesh Kumar Pareek Extensive study of the solar energy conversion devices photogalvanic cells with special reference to their power storage capacity and photo-stability submitted on 13.10.2018 Awarded, 13.10.18
4 Yashodhara Dayma Study of modified photogalvanic cells for enhancing efficiency of solar energy conversion and storage submitted on 15.10.2018 Awarded, 15.10.18
5 Rajendra Kumar Study of the variety of electrodes and cell dimensions for the solar energy conversion and storage through photogalvanic cells submitted on 14.3.22 Awarded, 14.3.2022
6 Meenakshi Jonwal Comparative study of the natural and synthetic surfactants on the solar power generation and storage capacity of Photogalvanic cells submitted on 28.3.22 Awarded, 28.3.2022
7 Anita Meena Extensive study of the solar energy conversion devices photogalvanic cells with special reference to their power storage capacity and photostability submitted on 22.2.2023 Awarded 22.2.2023
8 Anamika Charan UV-Visible spectroscopic study of the photogalvanic cells with special reference to the electrolyte illuminated through various sized illuminating win submitted on 1.7.2024 N/A

Membership of Academic Societies:


Academic Post: N/A

Detail of Publications

Full Research paper published in (UGC-CARE List/Scopus/ Thomson Reuter/web of science listed journals)

International Journal: 43

National Journal: 5

Review Article: 3

Popular article: N/A

Other Research Publications: 10

S.No. Title of the paper/ review Name of Journal Vol. Page no. Impact Factor
1 Study of KOH as Alkali for enhancing performance of Photo galvanic cell in transparent cylindrical cell design Heliyon, Elsevier, IF 4.0 (2023), SJR 0.609 (2022), CiteScore: 5.6 (2022), SNIP 1.33 (2022), h-index 88 (2022)Online ISSN: 2405-8440 10(11) E32163 4.0
2 Solar energy conversion and storage using Naphthol Green B dye photosensitizer in Photogalvanic cells Applied Solar Energy, SpringerNature Publication, ISSN: 0003-701X,IF 1.2, h-index 15, CiteScore 2.0, SJR 0.34, SNIP 0.764 50 67- 1.2
3 Photogalvanic effect of natural photosensitizer (crude Spinach extract) in artificial light for simultaneous solar power generation and storage Environmental Progress & Sustainable Energy,Wiley, IF 2.824, h-index 66, Cite Score 3.7, SJR 0.495,SNIP 0.742 37 1800- 2.824
4 Simplified Photogalvanic cell design with promise for the enhanced solar electricity generation and storage Energy storage, Wiley publication, 4(1) E287 3.2
5 Photogalvanic cells: Comparative study of various synthetic dye and natural photo sensitizer present in spinach extract RSC Advances,RSC (Royal Society of Chemistry, London,UK) Publications, IF 4.036 , SJR 0.746, CiteScore: 5.9 , SNIP 0. 87 , h-index 148 4 46194- 4.036
6 Exploratory insight in to the long term photo-stability of the Brilliant Cresyl Blue based electrolyte solution of photogalvanic cells Journal of Applied Spectroscopy, Springer Nature Publications 88 (3) 361- 0.861
7 Use of pigments present in the crude aqueous extract of the spinach for the simultaneous solar power and storage Advanced Energy and Sustainability Research, Wiley-VCH GmbH, Online ISSN: 2699-9412 2(11) 210007 5.8
8 Sodium Lauryl Sulphate enhanced solar energy conversion by photogalvanic effect of Rhodamine B-Fructose in artificial light ChemistrySelect, Wiley, IF 2.307 , h-index 34, CiteScore 3.1, SJR 0.437, SNIP 0.479 01 2016- 2.307
9 Characterization, stability, and feasibility of long-term use of light-absorbing components of aqueous spinach extract-based photogalvanic electrolyte Scientific Reports,Nature Publishing (now Springer-Nature), ISSN 2045-232,2IF 4.379; 5-year IF 4.576; cite score 7.1 SJR 1.24; SNIP 1.377; h index 213 12 13518 4.99
10 Photogalvanic effect of Brilliant Cresyl Blue-Fructose-surfactant-small Pt electrode-artificial light: Simultaneous solar energy conversion and storag Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects, Taylor & Francis, IF 3.447, h-index 45, CiteScore 3.4, SJR 0.477, SNIP 0.929 40 2163 2.90
11 Exploratory insight in to stability of Rhodamine B and crude aqueous spinach extract based photogalvanic cells: Comparing photo-stability of electroly Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology, Elsevier, ISSN: 2666-4690 8 100086 2.2
12 Surfactant and natural sunlight enhanced Photogalvanic effect of Sudan I dye Arabian Journal of Chemistry,Elsevier, IF 6.212 , h-index 70, Cite Score 9.4; 5-Year IF 4.57; SNIP 2.165 ; SJR: 0.789 10 1017- 6.212
13 Solar energy conversion and storage: Fast Green FCF- Fructose Photogalvanic cell Applied Energy,Elsevier,ISSN: 0306-2619,IF 11.44, CiteScore: 17.6, 5-Year IF: 9.086, SNIP: 2.699, SJR: 3.035, h index-212, 118 231- 11.446
14 Tropaeline O - Oxalic Acid – Benzalkonium chloride photogalvanic cells for solar energy conversion and storage Battery Energy, Wiley, cite score 4.6, IF 9.0 1 (4) 0011 9.0
15 Brilliant Cresyl Blue - Fructose for enhancement of solar energy conversion and storage capacity of photogalvanic solar cells Fuel,Elsevier,ISSN 0016-2361,IF 8.035 , Cite Score 9.8, 5-Year IF: 5.77; SNIP 2.005, SJR 1.56, h-index 213 90 3336- 8.035
16 Photochemical solar power and storage through Photogalvanic cells: Comparing performance of dye materials Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects, Taylor & Francis, IF 2.9, h-index 45, CiteScore 3.4, SJR 0.477, SNIP 0.929 39 555- 2.9
17 Study of the Enhancement on Photogalvanics: Solar Energy Conversion and Storage in EDTA-Safranine O-NaLS system Sustainable Energy & Fuels,RSC(Royal Society of Chemistry,London,UK) Publishing, IF 6.813, h-index 38, CiteScore 7.4, SJR 1.825, SNIP 1.002 01 882- 6.813
18 Solar energy conversion and storage: Rhodamine B - Fructose Photogalvanic cell Renewable Energy,Elsevier, ISSN 0960-1481,IF 8.634 , CiteScore 10.8, 5-Year IF: 5.96; SNIP 2.381, SJR 1.825, h-index 191 37 250 - 8.634
19 Sugar Beet root’s crude aqueous extract photosensitizer-Formic acid reductant-Sodium Lauryl Sulphate surfactant-based photogalvanic electrolyte chemic Bio-resource Technology Reports, Elsevier, ISSN: 2589-014X, Cite Score: 6.3 (2021) 18 101083 6.3
20 The effects of opposite physical and socio-psychological conditions nearly match Everyman's Science, ISSN:0531-495X, OCLC Number: 8447863, A publication of ‘The Indian Science Congress Association (ISCA)’, Kolkata (INDIA). XLIX 252- N/A
21 Exploratory insight into the electrochemical properties of the complete electrolyte and its individual chemical components in the photogalvanic cells Ionics, SpringerNature ISSN 1862-0760,IF 2.8 (2022), 30 1815 2.8
22 Photogalvanics of the Copper and Brass working electrodes in the NaOH-Allura Red-D-Galactose-DDAC electrolyte for solar power generation RSC Advances,RSC (Royal Society of Chemistry, London,UK) Publications, IF 4.036 , SJR 0.746, CiteScore: 5.9 , SNIP 0. 87 , h-index 148 14 14648 4.036
23 Cleaner technology with enforced human discipline: Key for sustainable health of the global environment Everyman's Science, ISSN:0531-495X, OCLC Number: 8447863, A publication of ‘The Indian Science Congress Association (ISCA)’, Kolkata (INDIA). LIII 23 N/A
24 Photogalvanics of Dodecyltrimethyl Ammonium Bromide-Quinoline Yellow-alkali: A solar energy conversion,storage, photostability, and spectral study International Journal of Energy Research, wiley, 1099-114X, IF 5.164 (2020) 46(10) 13889 4.67
25 Enhancing efficiency of Fast Green FCF-Fructose photogalvanic solar cell by using surfactant in natural sunlight International Journal of Ambient Energy ,Taylor & Francis, IF 2.54, SNIP 1.086, h-index 27, SJR 0.449, Cite Score 3.5 40 868- 2.54
26 Simultaneous electrochemical solar power and storage by using the alkaline Metanil Yellow-Formic acid as a new sensitizer-reductant couple in the .... RSC Advances,RSC (Royal Society of Chemistry,London,UK) Publications, IF 4.036 , SJR 0.746, CiteScore: 5.9 , SNIP 0. 87 , h-index 148 9 7560- 4.036
27 Comparative study of the photogalvanics of Sudan-I, Rhodamine-B, Fast Green FCF, Brilliant Cresyl Blue, Naphthol Green B, and chlorophyll ‘a’ photosen Environmental Challenges, Elsevier, Online ISSN: 2667-0100; Scopus indexed, Cite Score 3.8, h index 19 14C (2024) 100872 3.8
28 Tricameral Legislature - Key to solve Women Reservation Bills' Imbroglio Third Concept-An International Journal of Ideas, ISSN: 0970-7247, UGC Approved, & also UGC-CARE listed Journal published from Delhi (INDIA) 32 19- N/A
29 Natural sunlight irradiated Rhodamine B dye sensitized and surfactant enhanced photogalvanic solar power and storage, https://doi.org/10.1080/01430750 International Journal of Ambient Energy ,Taylor & Francis, IF 2.54, SNIP 1.086, h-index 27, SJR 0.449, Cite Score 3.5 42(10) 1193 2.54
30 Exploratory insight into the contribution of chemical components of photo galvanic electrolyte towards potential, power and current of photo galvanic Results in Chemistry, Elsevier, cite score 1.5, IF2.3 6 101124 2.3
31 Graphite counter electrode modified Tropaeline-O photo-sensitized photogalvanic cells for solar power and storage Eco-energy, Online ISSN:2835-9399, Print ISSN:2835-9380,Wiley Publications 2 (2) 278 N/A
32 High energy throughput using photogalvanic solar techniques and environmentally benign chemical system Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology,Elsevier, Online ISSN:2666-4690, cite score 4.1 22 100244 4.1
33 Use of Congo red dye-formaldehyde as a new sensitizer-reductant couple for enhanced simultaneous solar energy conversion and storage by photogalvanic Scientific Reports,Nature Publishing (now Springer-Nature), ISSN 2045-232,2IF 4.379; 5-year IF 4.576; cite score 7.1 SJR 1.24; SNIP 1.377; h index 213 10 19264 4.99
34 Study of enhanced Photogalvanic effect of Naphthol Green B in natural sunlight Journal of Power Sources,Elsevier,IF 9.794 , CiteScore 14.4, 5-Year IF 7.25; SNIP 1.607; SJR 2.139; h-index 302 285 310- 9.794
35 Photogalvanic cells: Only Solar cells having dual role of simultaneous solar power generation and storage WIREs Energy and Environment,Wiley,IF 6.016,Cite Score 8, SJR 1.158, SNIP 1.242, h-index 35 7 274- 6.1
36 Formic Acid reductant-Sodium Lauryl Sulphate Surfactant enhanced photogalvanic effect of Indigo Carmine dye sensitizer for simultaneous solar energy c Energy Reports, Elsevier, ISSN: 2352-4847, IF 4.93, h-index 33,Cite Score 2.71, SNIP 2.35, SJR 1.119 7 3628 5.2
37 Photo-stability of the Titan Yellow dye sensitized and Ethylenediaminetetraacetate photoreduced photogalvanic system Results in Engineering, Elsevier, 2023 18 101209 5
38 Energy conversion in electrolyte under artificial light: Fast Green FCF-Fructose-Surfactant- small Pt electrode photogalvanic cell Applied Solar Energy, SpringerNature Publication, ISSN: 0003-701X, IF 1.2, h-index 15, CiteScore 2.0, SJR 0.34, SNIP 0.764 52 76- 1.2
39 Sudan I Dye and Fructose chemicals based photogalvanic cells for electrochemical solar energy conversion and storage at low and artificial sun intensi Arabian Journal of Chemistry,Elsevier, IF 6.212 , SJR 0.746, CiteScore: 5.9,SNIP 0. 87, h-index 148 14(2), 2021 1-15 6.212
40 UV-Visible spectroscopic exploratory insight in to the long term photo-stability of the Fast Green FCF dye sensitizer-Fructose reductant-Sodium lauryl Results in Materials, Elsevier, Online ISSN: 2590-048X, 22 100573 4.7
41 Modified and simplified Photogalvanic cells: Solar energy harvesting using different electrodes and cell dimensions in the Bromo Cresol Green sensitiz Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry,Elsevier, ISSN 1572-6657, IF 4.598 (2021), h-index 158, Cite Score: 6.00 (2020), SNIP: 0.95 (2020); SJR: 0.845 904 115942 4.598
42 NaOH Alkali-Sunset Yellow FCF dye photosensitizer-Ascorbic acid reductant-Cetrimonium bromide surfactant based photogalvanic cells: Solar power, stora Environmental Progress & Sustainable Energy,Wiley, IF 2.824, h-index 66, Cite Score 3.7, SJR 0.495,SNIP 0.742 43 (2) E14286 2.824
43 Titan Yellow dye sensitized and Ethylenediaminetetraacetate photoreduced photogalvanic system Energy Reports, Elsevier, ISSN: 2352-4847, IF 4.93, h-index 33,Cite Score 2.71, SNIP 2.35, SJR 1.119 10 2817 5.2

Published Book/ Book Chapters:

S.No. Title of the Book/ chapter Publisher Vol. Page no.
1 Discrepancy in reservation policy for educational and political empowerment of the women in India, Chapter-14,Book Title-Dr. Bheemrao Ambedkar Ka ... Rajasthani Granthagar Publisher,Jodhpur,2012 N/A 114-
2 Reservation : Regaining rule for determining post-promotion seniority against judicial and constitutional principles,Chapter-15, Book Title-Dr.Bheem.. Rajasthani Granthagar Publisher,Jodhpur,2012 N/A 117-
3 Solar power techniques (ISBN: 978-3-659-62337-0. Project ID: #111424 (Aug., 2015)), Book Lambert Academic Publishing, Germany N/A 141
4 Reservation Rules in India and Eligibility & Promotion Rules (For Universities and Colleges),ISBN 978-81-909073-0-9,Book Kanoon Prakashak Agency, Jodhpur N/A 1576
5 Reservation Rules in Rajasthan and Promotion Rules (For Employees of Rajasthan Government/Universities /Colleges),ISBN 978-81-909073-1-6,, Book Kanoon Prakashak Agency, Jodhpur N/A 1128
6 Supplement to Reservation Rules and Promotion Rules,, Book Kanoon Prakashak Agency, Jodhpur N/A 200

Details Fellowships: National/International/Awards:

S.No. Name of Fellowship Funding Agency Host Institute / country
1 JRF (JOINT UGC-CSIR EXAM) UGC University of Rajasthan

Other Research Pertaining Activities:

Paper presented in Seminars/Conferences: 12

Seminars/Symposium/ Conferences attended: 12

Overseas international conferences: 2

Member of Advisory Board / Editorial Board of Journals : N/A

Organized Conference/Symposium: 3

Any other relevant information : N/A

Citation indices:

Total Citations: 546

h-index : (Scopus): 16

h-index : (Google Scholar): 16

i10 index: 20

Orcid ID :0000-0001-5476-8283

Scopus ID: 42261937700

Any other relevant information Publons reviewing activity verified record: 127

Note: This is to certify that aforesaid information given by is correct
