Sh. Anil Verma
Name: Anil Verma
Designation: Assistant Professor
DOB: 26/12/1974
Mobile No.: +91 - 9461292600
Address: 2 A 18 Pratap Nagar, Jodhpur

Academic Qualification:

S.No. Name of Examination Year Name of University Subjects offered Division
1 Secondary 1989 Board of Secondary Education, Rajasthan All Compulsory II
2 Senior Higher Secondary 1991 Board of Secondary Education, Rajasthan All Compulsory I
3 B.Com 1994 Jai Narain Vyas University, Jodhpur All Compulsory I
4 M.Com 1996 Jai Narain Vyas University, Jodhpur Opeartion Research I
5 Ph D 2015 Jai Narain Vyas University, Jodhpur N/A N/A

Teaching & Research Experience Details:

S.No. Name of Institute Designation From To
1 SLAG College Khichan, Phalodi Assistant Professor 15/03/2000 24/08/2006
2 Jai Narain Vyas University, Jodhpur Assistant Professor 30/08/2008 10/08/2020

Details of Consultancy Project/s grid :

S.No. Name of project funding Agency Duration status

Membership of Academic Societies:

S.No. Name Of Society Remark

Academic Post:

S.No. Name Of Society Remark

Scopus/WOS Indexed Publication/s:

S.No. Title of paper Name of journal Year Vol Impact

Other Publication/s:

S.No. Title of paper Name of journal Year Vol
1 Profitability analysis of selected private banks commerce economics and computer(ugc valid journal) 2022 08 02
2 India's approach to cryptocurrencies and their potential implications International journal of applied science & tech. 2022 11 2250
3 A comparative analysis of IDBI bank & HDFC bank and non fund based incomes International journal of applied science & tech. 2022 11 2250
4 Mukhya mantri chiranjivi swasthya bima yojna in jaipur dist. rajasthan International journal of advanced research 2022 05 03
5 Disclosure of fair value under ind as 113 an indian case IJRAR 2022 09 N/A
7 Investors perception A peer reviewed international referred bi. monthly 2019 03 N/A
8 Agriculture accounting and rural buss. an overview INSPIRA. JMME 2019 09 104
9 Productivity accounting is what the doctor ordered for todays buss scenerio IJARCMSS 2019 02 60
10 Merger and acquisition in indian banking sector a study BOB INSPIRA. IJARCMSS 2019 02 193
11 Integrating artificial intelligence into acct. and finance remarking an analysation peer reviewed journal 2019 N/A 77
12 Forensic accountant skills and personality traits srinkhla ek shodhprakash vaicharik ptrika 2019 06 28
13 Mutual fund a resource mobilizer in financial market srinkhla ek shodhprakash vaicharik ptrika 2019 06 81
14 Indian ac stand. & IFRS acct. harmonisation international journal of humanities and social sc. 2016 05 101
15 Analyisi of assets under mangtt of pub. & private sector mutual fund in india international journal of humanities and social sc. 2015 04 161
16 Analysis of net profit of pub.&private sector mutual fund in india international journal of humanities and social sc. 2015 04 119
17 Analysis of mangt. research A peer reviewed international referred bi. monthly 2015 05 N/A
18 Mutual fund a resource mobilizer in financial market IJMT publication house jodhpur 2015 N/A 64
19 Investors perception towards investment in mutual fund IJMT publication house jodhpur 2015 N/A 21
20 Indian mutual fund industry an overveiw international journal of humanities and social sc. 2014 03 166

Published Book/s :

S.No. Name of author Title of book Publisher Year authored

Published Book Chapter/s :

S.No. Name of author Title of book Publisher Year volpageno

Editor/s in Journals :

S.No. nameofjournal associateeditor publishinghouse impactfactor

Invited Speaker/ Resource Person in Conferences/Workshop/ Seminar:

S.No. Title of paper Details of conference hostinstitute Vol

Paper Presented in International Conferences/ workshop/ Seminar:

S.No. Title of paper Details of conference Hostinstitute year
1 Mutual funds in india the challange& the opportunities jiwaji University gwalior 2022
2 The green banking progressive trend in indias banking sector jiwaji University gwalior 2022
3 Convergence of India towards IFRS UGC Sponsored International conference Deptt. of BFE, JNVU, Jodhpur 2015
4 Forensic Accounting: Socialized filed of Accountin UGC Sponsored International conference Deptt. of BFE, JNVU, Jodhpur 2015
5 Bussiness finance and economics recent trends in bussiness finance and economics ugc sponsored inernational conference 2015
6 Corporate Social Responsibility in Indian perspect International seminar faculty of mangtt studies pacific university 2014
7 Fare value measurment a case study of infosys limited jiwaji University gwalior N/A

Paper Presented in National Conferences/ Workshop/ Seminar:

S.No. Title of paper Details of conference Hostinstitute year
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National Workshop/ Conferences/ Seminar Attended:

S.No. Title of paper Details of conference Hostinstitute year

Any other relevant information:

S.No. Remark Year

Participated in Co-Curricular Activities:

S.No. Activity Year

Publication/s In CARE listed Journals:

S.No. nameofauthor titleofpaper nameofjournal vol pageno
1 Dr.anil verma Financial performance analysis of insaurance compa ugc care group 1st journal 16 04
2 Dr. anil verma A comparative study of historical cost and fair va bengal past &present 118 N/A
3 Dr.anil verma & Dr. rahul taparia Exchange traded funds amidst pandemic ugc care group 1st journal 51 02
4 Dr. anil verma measuring the impact of fair value measurment on t shodh sanchar bulletin 11 120
5 Dr. anil verma impact of covid 19 on rural economy a study on raj sambodhi 43 489

Administrative Experience:

S.No. Name of Institute Designation From To
1 Jai Narain Vyas University, Jodhpur Head of the Department 01/07/2020 10/08/2020

Academic Award/Honor / Fellowships::

S.No. Name of Award/Honor / Fellowships Year
1 Award of Excellence, UGC-HRDC JNVU, Jodhpur 2016

Research Projects:

Major Research Project: N/A

Minor Research Projects: N/A
Mentor in student projec: N/A

Consultancy projects:N/A

S.No. Title of the Project Funding Agency Duration Status

Overseas PDF Supervised :N/A

Ph. D Awarded : N/A

PhD Pursuing : N/A

Post Graduate Dissertations Supervised : N/A

Research Guidance:

S.No. Name of Student Title of Thesis/PDF Submitted Awarded

Membership of Academic Societies:


Academic Post: N/A

Detail of Publications

Full Research paper published in (UGC-CARE List/Scopus/ Thomson Reuter/web of science listed journals)

International Journal: 14

National Journal: 1

Review Article: 2

Popular article: N/A

Other Research Publications: N/A

S.No. Title of the paper/ review Name of Journal Vol. Page no. Impact Factor

Published Book/ Book Chapters:

S.No. Title of the Book/ chapter Publisher Vol. Page no.
1 Mutual Funds in India Raj Publishing House, Jaipur 1 194
2 Accounting Theory and Emerging Practices Arihant Prakashan, Jodhpur 1 276
3 Management acct. & gst Rajasthani granthagar 1 N/A

Details Fellowships: National/International/Awards:

S.No. Name of Fellowship Funding Agency Host Institute / country

Other Research Pertaining Activities:

Paper presented in Seminars/Conferences: 28

Seminars/Symposium/ Conferences attended: 30

Overseas international conferences: N/A

Member of Advisory Board / Editorial Board of Journals : N/A

Organized Conference/Symposium: N/A

Any other relevant information : N/A

Citation indices:

Total Citations: N/A

h-index : (Scopus): N/A

h-index : (Google Scholar): N/A

i10 index: N/A

Orcid ID :N/A

Scopus ID: N/A

Any other relevant information N/A

Note: This is to certify that aforesaid information given by is correct
